non-profit Healing Bridge Project Inc. is both a community service
and a research project. We explore
the intricate process of healing mind, body and spirit.
is healing? How does it happen? What is within us that yearns
to heal?
seek answers to these questions through interviewing individuals
who generously share their
experiences of healing. Their stories provide glimpses
of lives transformed, expressing the revelations and mysteries
of healing.

people interviewed offer their stories as supports and guideposts
because they have come to trust the process. This process is what
the research seeks to understand.
research progresses, insights gained will be published and offered
as downloads and ezines. The project offers teleconferences,
seminars and workshops, and a free downloadable
guide, 'Surrender to Healing' is currently available.

Healing Bridge website provides:
site is constantly growing and bulletin boards, online groups
and teleconferences will be coming soon.

The Healing Bridge Project was initiated by Dr.
Jane Hart in 1998. It has developed into a vision shared by
a diverse and growing group of people around the world.